Java exceptions

Java socket timeout

If you experience a Java socket timeout error it is probably because:

  • Your version of the Java run-time is out of date. Try installing a new version:
  • Your anti-virus/firewall settings are preventing your game running by generating false positives. This typically happens with real-time scanning.
  • Defold may need to be run in administrator mode.

An example of a false positive firewall alert:

Firewall false positive

Fixing the problem

The fix below describes the process using McAfee, but equivalent options should be available in other software.

  1. Open the firewall software you are running and change the real-time scanning settings.

    In McAfee click, "Secure" [1] and "Real-Time Scanning" [2]
    McAfee screenshot 1
  2. Click "Add file" and add:
    • Defold.exe
      Located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Defold
    • java.exe
      Located in In the C:\Program Files (x86)\Defold\packages\jdk11.0.1\bin
    • javaw.exe
      Located in In the C:\Program Files (x86)\Defold\packages\jdk11.0.1\bin
    • conhost.exe
      Located in C:\Windows\System32
  3. McAfee screenshot 2
  4. Run Defold.exe in administrator mode.